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Christina V.

Christina Valletta is a physics major who likes trendy food and hipster aesthetics.  She is a strong advocate for making physics accessible to everyone and hopes to work in a museum in the future.  As such, she’s glad to lead this club in these first years to develop WiP into a supportive community that nurtures everyone’s life in the physic’s world.  Talk to her about tea or wes anderson films.


Vice President

Ashley A.

Ashley Argueta is a physics major who enjoys a multitude of things ! You will normally find her playing video games or discussing the latest indie film she just found. She really enjoys baking and listening to podcasts in her free time. She hopes to become a research professor or scientist. You can ask or talk to her about anything … literally. If she had to pick a pokemon to represent her, she would choose either pikachu or gloom. 


Esmee M.

 My name is Esmee Morales, and I am a Microbio and Immunology major from San Francisco. I am all ears on any ideas or suggestions anyone has on raising money for our club and ideas on what to spend it on. An avid reader, I am ready to geek out on anything literary.



Grace N.

Grace Newman is a transfer student from Southern California who is studying biophysics. Her hobbies include baking, reading, and sleeping. She really loves sleep. When she’s not sleeping, you can find her on Discord or doing schoolwork. She finds chemistry very interesting, despite being loyal to physics, and hopes to do research involving both disciplines.


E v e n t   C o o r d i n a t o r

Matias L.

Matias is a cool dude with a cool ‘tude. He loves to draw, sometimes he does during class, and will probably do anything if it will make you laugh. He’s also minoring in education with NSED in hopes that one day he will become a Junior College professor. He is currently working in the Kleckner Lab designing an experiment to understand more about how momentum of electromagnetic waves change. Let’s talk about webcomics!


Graduate Representative

Jimmy G.

 A physicist through and through, Jimmy loves learning about the fundamental principles of our world, as well as the unique stories of our community members. You’ll often find him roaming the halls in search of an unsuspecting ear to listen about computational physics and mathematics. If you need a bridge to and from the graduate community, please contact Jimmy and he will represent.


Undergrad Representative

Calista L.

Calista Lum is a 3rd year physics student from Fairfield, CA. She is currently working with Ghosh Labs conducting research on perovskite solar cells and hopes to continue her research studies in the field of nanomaterials. Aside from research, Calista is passionate about outdoors education and bringing diversity into STEM. In her free time, she can either be found hiking in Yosemite or reading Harry Potter for the umpteenth time. Calista hopes to represent the junior class to the best of her ability! Please do not hesitate to contact her with any questions.


Workshop Coordinator

Jane G

Jane is a Filipina graduate student of physics now based in sunny Merced. She is interested in physics (duh), cooking, movies, music, tetris, and Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. When not in front of her computer or at her desk, Jane is attempting to perfect her pour-over coffee technique and overcoming her fear of baking pandesal, or learning about social justice. While she thrives in the great indoors, Jane is also a licensed scuba diver. Feel free to chat with Jane about anything, as long as it doesn't involve movies that are too mainstream, as she probably hasn't seen those yet.


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Women In Physics

University of California, Merced 

5200 Lake Rd, Merced, CA 95343


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